How do I choose between using a book/article/website for my paper?


Information is produced and created in many different ways, you may be asked to find multiple types of information sources for your assignment. Research is a step-by-step process. An effective way to do research is to think about what you need to know before you can start with your research. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Do I need background information to help me understand this topic?
  • Do I only need current information on my topic?
  • Do I need in-depth or specific information on my topic?

Review what types of information will best fit your research needs:

Government Documents Resources created by national, state and local governments to document the activities of government. To find government databases and articles online, look for .gov website domains and in these databases
Academic and Scholarly Journals  Collections of articles from academic institutions and industries that document original research within an academic field. The content can include literature reviews, case or research studies, or information on specific processes. It will be in depth and specific. Content is written by experts in their field for other academics and goes through a "peer review" process before publication. Find in library journal databases.
Newspapers  Newspapers provide coverage of current and historical events, as well as local information and editorials written to persuade, inform or entertain general audiences. Find in library newspaper databases.
Magazines  Magazine articles are written by journalists or professional writers for a general audience and may contain an argument, opinion, or analysis of an issue. Find magazine articles in these library databases
Periodicals Periodical is a broad term that can include journals, magazines, and newspapers. Examples include Readers’ Digest, Newsweek, or National Geographic. Find magazine articles in these library databases
Book Books can cover virtually any topic. They can be fact or fiction. Books take longer to produce, so they are useful for a long-term view on a topic. Books can provide an in-depth synthesis of a large amount of information to support a particular argument or thesis. Find books by searching the library catalog and eBook databases.
Reference Material (Encyclopedias and Reference Books) References can provide background information on your topic. Typically, reference material comes in the form of encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, yearbooks, atlases, and more. Find reference resources in these library databases.
  • Last Updated Jun 27, 2023
  • Views 66
  • Answered By Madeleine Pitsch

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