How do I find a book?
Find available eBooks and physical books by searching the BTC Library Encore Catalog.
The Blackhawk Technical College Library provides two subscription eBook databases with thousands of free titles for BTC students, faculty and staff as well as physical collections on Central and Monroe campuses. You can search and find all available titles via the BTC Library Encore Catalog.
- In the catalog search bar, enter a keyword, title, author or ISBN number of the item you are looking for. If you are looking for a textbook made available by your instructor for free in the library, you can also search your instructors name or the course title
- Click on the search "play" button to enter the search
- Review the search results, there are several ways you can locate materials on this page:
A. Update and run a new search from the search bar anytime
B. Filter the search results by Format, Location and more
C. Click the link to view online materials, this will launch a new page on one of the subscription library databases, you will need to enter your 9-digit BTC ID number to access
D. You can also click on the title to view a description or summary
E. Request items or place them in a list via your library cart, this will require you log-in with your last name and 9-digit ID number
Find physical books not included in the BTC Library by searching and requesting from the WISCAT inter-library loan catalog.
Links & Files
- How do I log in to my library account to check due dates and renew materials online? Opens in new window
- What are keywords? Opens in new window
- What subscription eBook collections are available? Opens in new window
- How do I borrow eBooks and audiobooks in WISCAL? Opens in new window
- How do I log in to my library account? Opens in new window
- How do I access library resources off campus? What is my BTC ID Number? Opens in new window
- eBook Library Guide Opens in new window
- How do I request materials from other libraries? Opens in new window
- How do I cite a book or eBook in APA Style? Opens in new window
- How do I know where a book is? Opens in new window
- How do I search strategically? Opens in new window
- What are information source types? Opens in new window
- How do I know where a book is? Opens in new window
- How do I find an article? Opens in new window
- What new books are available? Opens in new window