How do I submit an assignment in Blackboard Ultra?


When you click on an assignment, it will open the Details & Information panel. The panel will display the due date, number of attempts allowed, and possibly a time limit or a grading rubric. If the assignment is past the due date, it will say "Past Due", your instructor will have it set to allow or not allow late submissions. Review the grading rubric for details on assignment requirements and instructions. 

bb assignment

  1. Click on 'Start Attempt' which will bring up a content box 
  2. In the content box you have several options, review assignment instructions to see if your instructor's requirements for how it is submitted.
    1. Type/Paste a text submission OR Attach a file (like a Word document or Power Point) using the attach button (looks like a paper clip) or dragging and dropping the file into the box
    2. Add a media link such as a video or image
  3. Preview your submission
  4. You can remove the submission attempt or hit 'Submit' 

Bb submit file

If you experience any loss in internet connection when submitting an assignment or are having trouble make sure to follow-up with your instructor




  • Last Updated Jul 25, 2024
  • Views 88
  • Answered By Madeleine Pitsch

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