How do I navigate the Microsoft Menu?


Each Microsoft product (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.) has what's called the Ribbon at the top of the page.  The Ribbon is broken down into different tabs which each contain different groups.  The Ribbon also contains the quick access tool bar at the top. 

Below you can see the Ribbon from Microsoft Word.  The Ribbon on other Microsoft products will look similar or may look different if you are working in the downloaded application versus in the online version of these products. 

The Ribbon is broken into 3 different parts: 

  • The Quick Access Bar

This is where you can name your file and turn on autosave options. 

Ribbon Quick access bar

  • The Tabs

This is where you can switch between different menu options to do things like insert and image. 

Ribbon Tabs


  • The Groups

This is where you find the tools and options for each of the tab options. 

Ribbon Groups

  • Last Updated Jun 20, 2024
  • Views 22
  • Answered By

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